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Click on the video you want to watch keynote lectures of academic quality on diverse topics in Surfing Medicine. Read the short summary and view our selected free video lectures right away.

Case Report; Stonefish sting in Sumbawa – Mercedes Fernandez
Mercedes Fernandez explains what makes a stonefish dangerous, where they are located and presents a case of a stonefish sting. She discusses the diagnosis and management of stonefish stings.

Surfers as bystander rescuers in Spain and Portugal, Joel de Oliveira
Joel de Oliveira discusses his research on surfers as bystander rescuers in Spain and Portugal. He finds that 78,5% of surfers conduct at least one rescue in their lifetime, but most of them have not had formal training according to lifesaving and resuscitation guidelines.

Surf injury prevention in young surfers and surf instructors – João Moreira Pinto
João Moreira-Pinto speaks about the studies he participated in about injuries that can happen during surfing, the prevention of these injuries, the knowledge of the surf teachers about this topic and how they teach about these injuries. Also, he speaks about the difference in injuries between competitive and recreational surfers.

Surf-induced shoulder complaints – Lisette Langenberg & Sebastiaan Heitkamp
Lisette Langenberg & Sebastiaan Heitkamp dive into surf induced shoulder complaints. They discuss their research of shoulder complaints in practices in the Netherlands and their systematic review on the surfer’s shoulder. The mechanics of the most common surfer’s shoulder injury are discussed.

Leadership & teamwork without borders – Vibeke Hjortdal
Vibeke Hjortdal discusses her experience as a professor and pediatric cardiac surgeon on how to become a good leader and how to create the perfect team. She shows in a practical way how people differ in the way they prefer to communicate, solve problems and learn.

Abstract Developing Physical Literacy through Blue Physical – Dora Carolo
Dora Carolo speaks about the development of physical literacy. She explains the meaning of physical literacy and the impact on the physical, psychological, social and the cognitive domain.
Webinar Recording
Find the previous recorded educational and research webinars here, if you have a request for a topic please let us know. If you would like to present a topic in a webinar contact us please.
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