Dive deep into conference lectures, webinars and other video recordings by amazing speakers sharing the knowledge and experience in surfing medicine, sports, environmentalism and other sciences.  

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Click on the video you want to watch keynote lectures of academic quality on diverse topics around surfing medicine, training & performance and environment. 

Preventing surfer’s ear; The story of a pro surfer

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Transformative scenario planning; Surfing Community & Health Impact – Dion van de Schoot

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Case Report; Stonefish sting in Sumbawa – Mercedes Fernandez

Mercedes Fernandez explains what makes a stonefish dangerous, where they are located and presents a case of a stonefish sting. She discusses the diagnosis and management of stonefish stings.

Surfing and wildlife: Supporting conservation through citizen science

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Drowning: What is it and what is it not?

Many definitions are used in mainstream media to discuss drowning. This presentation delves into the correct definition and pathophysiology

Surf Coaching Education and professionalization

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Tropical disease in remote Surfing environment

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Sunscreens and Water quality

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Welcome Day 2

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Case series: Surfing & Drowning incidents in Victoria

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Leadership & teamwork without borders – Vibeke Hjortdal

Leadership & teamwork without borders – Vibeke Hjortdal

Vibeke Hjortdal discusses her experience as a professor and pediatric cardiac surgeon on how to become a good leader and how to create the perfect team. She shows in a practical way how people differ in the way they prefer to communicate, solve problems and learn.

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