Special Edition
Dive deep in specific topics such as Drowning Resuscitation, Haemorrhage control and management of aquatic emergencies in short tailored course format.
Dive deep!
A multi day course in area of Surfing Medicine, they are a mix of lectures and practice to advance knowledge and skill acquisition.
Aim of the course
This course will give in depth education around specific topics as Drowning Resuscitation, Haemorrhage control and management of aquatic emergencies. More education stimulates network and further development of evidence base.

Surf Life Support – Special Edition
Next Course
Introduction Surfing Life Support – Special Edition : WA Margaret River
Surfing Medicine International will bring a unique event to Western Australia with co-host Surfing Doctors
Surf Life Support: Special edition Drowning & Aquatic Emergencies.
Ahead of the World Drowning Prevention Conference, we endeavour to host a meeting for key stakeholders on Drowning prevention within the surf community.
The evidence base is growing around the role of surfers in enhancing water safety, reducing the number of drowning fatalities and Drowning risk of Surfers themselves. The global surf community plays a pivotal ambassador role in drowning prevention and water safety. It is well recognized that surfers turn often into bystander rescuers, prevent drowning by retrieval and initiate early resuscitation. Also, drowning seems to be the major reason for surf fatalities. Surfers should be very aware of this and should get trained for optimal rescue and resuscitation skills, but also to prevent drowning themselves in difficult conditions.
For Who?
The educational programme is appropriate for any licensed medical professional with an interest in the tailored topics of the specific course. Medical professionals in training / students are very welcome to participate. Best prepared is to get ASLS certified before continuing further education.
Key topics to be discussed:
Drowning prevention and rescue
Epidemiology of Drowning
Global picture of Drowning prevention
Prehospital Care of Drowning victims
Airway and Ventilation Strategies
Special populations: paediatrics
Case reviews / analysis of Surfers as bystander rescue
Haemorrhage control in Marine Environment
28th November 2023 Tuesday: Registration & Opening Dinner
29th November 2023 Wednesday: Drowning Resuscitation
30th November 2023 Thursday: Major Trauma and Resuscitation
1st December 2023 Friday: Rescue & Performance Psychology
Surfing Medicine International has applied for accreditation as standard for all its educational activities for medical professionals.
Secure your place today for the next dates of the leading course for Health Professionals in Surfing Medicine.